Home > End of June

End of June

June 30th, 2008 at 02:45 am

July 1st... I guess it's time to post June Results. Ouch.

Savings #1: 11,220(goal:15,000 ----74.8% to goal)
Savings #2: 1078(goal:2,500 ----43.12%)
Savings #3: 504 (goal 2,000 ---- 25.3%)

Roth IRA: 1,500 (goal: max 2008 contribution)
401K: 803
Brokerage Account: 100
Employee Stock: 420

Credit Card: STILL $0!!!
Student Loan: $15,222

From end of May to end of June
Savings #1 = + $80
Savings #2 = -647
Savings #3 = - 196
Roth IRA = + $0
401K = + $43
Brokerage Account = +$25
Employee Stock Plan $0

My savings for the month of June = $-695
(oooo... that hurts!) And I haven't even paid my car insurance yet! It's not due until July 7th... so I'm waiting until I get paid again, which is this Wednesday. However I know that it won't be enough to cover the entire payment. I'll have to dip into my savings again (pull about $300). Also these results are understated a little since May was overstated by me including that first paycheck in May results.

I will admit that June wasn't a complete loss because I did get rid of my credit card debt. So I sacrificed some of my savings in order to have cc freedom. I'm going to work really hard for July in order to start rebuilding my savings after I pay my car insurance.

I just need to remember to focus on my goals. Smile

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