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Hmm maybe I was a bit harsh.

June 20th, 2008 at 06:13 am

As I think about yesterday, I'm thinking that I was a bit harsh on my friend/co-worker.
We got into it yesterday about some things. She's my brother's age, two years younger than me, I just now realize that I sort of treat her like a younger sibling.

I was getting annoyed yesterday, because she asked me for a ride home from work. (that I don't mind because she's on the way, not really... but it's not that far.)But then... once we got into my car she wanted me to drive to some fast-food place so that she could get food... (it was around 11pm). The one she wanted was not in the direction I was headed. So I firmed stated "no" and that she needs to pick some place on the way, because I'm not driving all around the creation wasting gas. She got mad at me. I know it sound really petty, but I was annoyed at the fact that I had a conversation earlier in the day that I was trying to cut back on my driving to save on gas, so for her to forget about that and not understand, I just don't get it. I told her that she would understand once she got a car and started paying for her own gas.

I know this sounds really selfish of me, but I like it when I get off of work at different times that way I dont have to worry about giving rides home. I mean every now and then I don't mind, but when it becomes often like almost every shift, that's where I draw the line, because they aren't offering gas money and I'm not asking for it. So it's better that I don't give rides home... that way it's just a straight 7 minute drive home with no detours. I'm not a taxi.

6 Responses to “Hmm maybe I was a bit harsh.”

  1. greengirl Says:

    hmm, i know how you feel. my flatmate was also in the same situation when she was studying, a girl lived a couple of streets away so my fm would give her a lift sometimes, but would get annoyed because the girl would always dawdle after class and fm would want to get home but the other girl would take half an hour to say goodbye to everyone. fm eventually got out of it by saying, most of the time, that she had to do 'somthing else' on the other side of town, or had a dr appt or something. she felt bad about telling a white lie but figured it would be better than snapping at the girl and creating an enemy.

  2. ms06880 Says:

    what's that good deed goes unpunished? or something like that?? Your friend/co-worker should have been grateful for the free ride...asking to make an out of the way stop (at 11PM no less) is pushing it. Good for you for standing firm. (ps, if I was the friend, and I badly wanted to have that out of the way fast food burger, I would have offered to buy you one as well for your inconvenience)

  3. Koppur Says:

    I used to give a coworker rides home after work and it was hard becasue sometimes I wanted to hang out with some of the other coworkers for a bit, but she always wanted to go straight home. Eventually, I stopped giving her rides b/c she would get mad when I wanted to hang out with them (ummm, who was driving, paying for gas?). Maybe if she asks for somehting like that again, tell her sure; if she gives you $5 for gas.

  4. JanH Says:

    Or you could also possibly say before you get into the car at all that you are going straight home without stops because you are conserving gas. Then, if they still get mad, I agree with not giving any more rides. Which is harder to say than to do, I know. We used to have a little girl ask to ride home with us every day from school. Which was mostly on the way, so no big deal. But, her dad had emphatically (and he was a police officer) told me to let her walk the few blocks. It was so hot, I felt sorry for her. But, how could I say your dad said I couldn't. We snuck a few rides in and dropped her off down the block, but I felt guilty either way because I was also aiding in her defying her dad. So, I had to eventually put a stop to it. I feel for you.

  5. SavingFaire Says:

    The saying is indeed "No good deed goes unpunished."

    And to bring in another quote/saying : "With friends like that, who needs enemies?!!!?"

    I would NEVER have the cojones to ask anyone who was doing me a/the favor of giving me a lift to drive out of their way so that I could get some food.

    (Quoting "Stephanie" from the tv show "Full House") . . . . How rude!!!!!

  6. NJDebbie Says:

    The nerve of some people, you give them an inch and they take a mile.

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