So I had a very nice couple of days off last week. My mom, brother and sister were out visiting from Virginia. Like I said in my earlier post that it was for my dad's 1 year. Actually April 11th will be one year since he passed away. It just reminds me how fast time flies. Because really it only seems like yesterday. All in all I really enjoyed their visit. And now I realize how much I needed it. We spend a couple of days in the city. I was sad to see them go on Sunday.
So now it's back to work for me. Actually yesterday I was back to work. Not so bad now that fiscal year end is done and over with. Not that I'm saying that I like my job again, because I really don't but I don't hate it for now. lol. I'm trying to amp up my savings.
Little savings win...
I showed some restraint and decided not to buy my Clinique product. It's their spring giveaway at Macy's. You get a free gift with purchase. Usually, I only buy during the giveaway times because I get all these things free. The thing is, I usually end up spending like $40+ every time. I was going to go when I was up in the city. But I decided that I would wait and sleep on it if I really needed it. The next morning, I decided that I wouldn't buy extra stock of my lotion just because it's their giveaway. I still have stock that will last me awhile, most likely until their next gift with purchase.
But other than that, I'm just trying to find time to do my spring cleaning of paperwork, closets and drawers.
Til Next Time
Back to Work
April 7th, 2010 at 05:46 am