Co-Workers That Share Too Much
March 19th, 2010 at 04:16 amHave you ever had a co-worker that just shares way too much information that you ever asked for or would ever in think of asking? I have one of those. The things this person tells me is so off the wall and I spend most of the time thinking, why are you telling me these things?
Half the time she spends complaining and talking about how she wants to leave and get another job. Or how she will just quit and it's okay if she doesn't have a job because she has enough savings to last for while. And then the next moment she's talking about how she has to borrow money from friends because her mom refuses to help her out, but is willing to help out her brothers. She claims it's because she's adopted so she gets treated differently. I don't know what to say. Half of the time I try not to say anything because it just eggs her on. I'm starting to think she is one of those that feeds off people telling her that things will be okay and feeds off people agreeing that she's right and the people around her are bringing her down. I just don't get it, here I am at 24 asking her at 43 why does she dwell on these things when she says she doesn't care or it doesn't matter. I had to tell her that obviously it bothers her enough to keep talking about so telling me that she doesn't care, I don't buy it. Well, I didn't say it like that, but that was the point I was making. And then I explained that I had to get back to work.
That's it for work drama.
As far as my finances go, not much is happening there. I am just saving up as much as I can. My student loan is almost under $11,500. Yay! Hopefully I can get it under $11,000 soon!
So here are the stats, and this is as of everything that was posted today.
Savings #1: $10,891 (Milestone #1 $11,000) (99%)
Savings #2: $4,509 (Milestone #1 $4,700) (95.9%)
Savings #3: $1,474 (Milestone #1 $2,300) (64%)
Student Loans - $11,540
Roth IRA 2010 Contr. - $0
Credit Cards - 109 (something just posted, but will be paid off completely next week when I do my bill pay)
If you're wondering how I chose my milestone numbers, I just added $1000 to the ending balance at the end of 2009. I decided that every milestone is every $1000 saved. This way I don't set myself goal way out of reach. And every $1000 saved is a very good thing, lol
Okay, that's it for now. Until next time.