Home > Working extra

Working extra

January 27th, 2009 at 03:24 am

So with my job, technically I'm only suppose to work 35 hours. the hours are 9-5 with an hour lunch. I asked my boss if I could come in at 8 and stay til 5 so that I can get the full 8 hour pay. She agreed. So I'm working the complete 40 hour week. That 5 hours doesn't seem like much. But in one month that would be 20 hours of pay that I would be giving up. And if I were getting paid $15/hr that would be $300 a month that I'm missing out on. And that is a lot of money. At least it is to me. That's a student loan payment right there. I'm being good though. Whatever extra money I make is being put to good use, either to my Credit Card, Student Loan or savings. Hopefully it will help make a dent in my goals.

Here are my updated numbers

Savings #1 10,336
Savings #2 1,661
Savings #3 675

Roth IRA 1,675
401K 1089

Credit Card 1,003
Student Loan 14,039

5 Responses to “Working extra”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    wow, well done. and that was nice of your boss too!

  2. my english castle Says:

    Good for you! Love to see those student loans paid off!

  3. mooshocker Says:

    Great job. However, assuming your credit card charges a higher interest rate than you are earning on your savings account, pay that baby off asap! The student loan is eaten up even faster once you apply that old credit card payment toward it.

    God bless.

  4. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Little bits of money that seem like much add up quickly! Keep up the good work and congrats on the extra work!WinkSmile

  5. Carolina Bound Says:

    Good for your boss to help you out! So many wouldn't.

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