Just like I said in my last post. I was going to sit down and figure out how much I have and where I have my moolah.
Savings #1 10,199 ($50 increase)
Savings #2 1,411 ($151 increase)
Savings #3 580 ($205 increase)
Roth IRA: 1,600 ($50 increase)
Rollover IRA (frm. 401k): 1,089
Total Savings Increase since 12/23/08
Credit Card: $1,034 (A decrease of $161)
Student Loan: $14,248 (A decrease of $72)
Note: I did get $150 for Christmas money that I deposited into Savings #1. But the rest I saved all on my own by automatically transfering $75 to Savings #2, $25 to Savings #3 and #1. Every paycheck. Automatic savings of $125 each week. For now.
Today was my last day at the contract job. I have an interview on Monday. At least the one on Monday the contract should last until March. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I do well at the interview. I'm going to studying up on the company and the position this weekend.
Oh and the nerve. So I'm doing the temp thing right now. And there were two other temps that I was working with. My recuriter told me to update my resume so she could send it off to new opportunities. So I did. She came back and said that my resume was really well written. She was impressed. And then she had the nerve to ask me if I would be willing to share my resume with the other two temps so they could fix their s. In normal situations I would be okay with sharing.But these are tough times. And frankily those two temps are also my competition. How dare she ask me to share something that makes me stand out of other applicants. I put a lot of effort into putting it together, in fact at one point I had to scrap the entire thing and start over. Maybe I'm being silly, it's just like asking me to show my term paper to someone else so they can get ideas after I had to come up with the original idea with no help and what if they get the better grade. Nope. no can do. They'll have to figure it out on their own. After I get a job I would be more than happy to share, lol.
Updated Numbers
January 10th, 2009 at 03:54 am