Today I just got bitten by the cleaning bug. I packed up most of my Holiday decorations except for the Tree. I like looking at it so I'm going to wait a couple of more days to take it down. But everything else is packed away. Speaking of Holiday stuff. I bought Christmas wrapping paper on sale at Cost Plus Market for $0.50 EACH. Original Price was $2.99. That's crazy. But I kept my cool and only bought 3 that I really liked. So I have some for next year. I'm trying really hard not to overspend next year or any year after that.
Back to cleaning, I dumped all my magazine before Dec in the recycle. I organized all my paperwork into binders with labels and everything I need at easy access. I even saved all my photos on my computer to disk just in case something happens to my computer.
And I did a bunch of other little things. I figure I better ring in the New Year right.
I got a sewing machine from my Grandma for Christmas. I love it. She couldn't have picked a more perfect gift for me. And I don't even remember ever mentioning secretly wanting one. Now I can make all my crafty stuff. I already put it to good use and sewed a tote bag, two to be exact. And the best part yet, my grandma also had big box of fabric pieces that she was going to throw out. Now I have all this fabric for free! Talk about providing hours of entertainment for free, lol.
My goal this week is to spend less than $50. I think this is doable. I mean I already filled up gas Yesterday so I won't be needing gas for at least another week and a half. I don't spend any money on food because I eat breakfast at home and I take my lunch everyday and dinner is usually on the table once I get home. I love Grandma's house, hehe(but can't wait to get on my own!). And that's pretty much it. I can't see whatelse I would spend money on this upcoming week but we shall see. Bills don't count because I have already planned for those to come out once my paycheck hits. Trying to cut back on the non-essential spending. So far so good.
Winter Cleaning?
December 28th, 2008 at 04:49 am
December 28th, 2008 at 02:02 pm 1230472978
December 29th, 2008 at 02:22 pm 1230560571