Home > Updated Numbers

Updated Numbers

December 24th, 2008 at 07:06 am

Eh, I figured I might as well do it now or I'm never going to do it. My overdo update.

Ouch. Okay so now that I have a job for the time being I'm able to rebuild my savings.

So here it goes

Savings #1 10,149.00
Savings #2 1,260.00
Savings #3 380.00

IRA 1550.00
401k(which is now a Roll-over IRA from previous job) - 1089.00 (lost from that huge stock market plunge back in september)

CC debt 1,195.00 YIKES
Student Loan 14,320.00

so for the time being i get paid weekly.
My paycheck varies because of the amount of overtime that I work. But I'm automatically transferring $50 to Savings #1, $75 to Savings #2, $25 to Savings #3 every paycheck. The rest goes towards CC debt and other bill money. I know I could just pay off my Credit Card debt in one swoop. But since I'm only working contract I really want to keep my savings in tact just in case I don't have work once this contract ends.

Quick question. I don't know if anyone knows the answer to this. Since I moved to another state and is now working in another state. I have to file 2 tax returns right? Since I lived in Virginia for most of the year, I file Virginia first right? And then California?

4 Responses to “Updated Numbers”

  1. merch Says:

    Yes. I believe you do need to file 2 state tax reports. I would check with California and Virginia Revenue services and ask them as well.

  2. NJDebbie Says:

    I think you're doing the right thing keeping your savings intact and adding to it. At 23, the amount you have in savings is great. Keep up the good job and hope you find a steady job soon.

  3. cptacek Says:

    I don't think the order matters. I think that you pay Virginia taxes on the income you received in Virginia and California taxes on the income you received in California.

  4. Amber Says:

    I think it's great that you were able to save so much, in regards to the taxes I am not sure but let us know

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