Home > July...


July 30th, 2008 at 07:19 pm

Might as well post my July results.

Savings #1: 11,437(goal:15,000 ----76.25% to goal)
Savings #2: 923(goal:2,500 ----36.92%)
Savings #3: 559 (goal 2,000 ---- 27.95%)

Roth IRA: 1,550 (goal: max 2008 contribution)
401K: 1129
Brokerage Account: 155
Employee Stock: 420

Credit Card: $0
Student Loan: $14,986

From end of June to end of July
Savings #1 = + $217
Savings #2 = -155
Savings #3 = +55
Roth IRA = + 50
401K = + 326
Brokerage Account = +55
Employee Stock Plan $0

My savings for the month of July = $548
Yay! All I was hoping for was a positive savings.

I put a slow down to building back up the savings. I've now got my eye on paying down my student loan. I haven't completely stopped saving, I have an automatic deposit from my paycheck that goes to Savings #1 and #3, which will have to suffice for now. I usually try to transfer extra to my Savings #2... but now that will go towards Loan Payment and Roth IRA.

Actually good news, I don't know what happened but the Federal Govt... Direct Loans lowered my monthly payment by $30. The interest rate was also lowered, considering that it's a variable rate and I have yet to consolidate my loans. 3.9% interest (from 6.8%)... so I'm taking this opportunity to make bigger payments so that even more will go to principle.

Now I feel pumped up again... let's keep chugging along. Next on the agenda... turning 23 next week. So hopefully August will be good to me! Smile

3 Responses to “July...”

  1. fruitbowlk Says:

    Great Job.

  2. merch Says:

    Nice work. Keep the focus.

  3. JanH Says:

    You're doing so great at an early age. Early Happy Birthday!

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