Home > Mid July...

Mid July...

July 15th, 2008 at 05:11 am

July has been a slow month to start out as well as all the rest. My car insurance was due the first week. So I had to take out $300 from Savings #2... to cover this. However with my last paycheck I was able to put back at least $100. So really I only took out $200 from Savings #2. I'm starting to redirect my focus towards paying down my student loan and adding to my retirement IRA. I still have my regular savings goals, I'm just not focusing ALL my attention to them.

Here are my Mid-monthly results for July.

Savings #1: 11,285 (75.23% to goal)
Savings #2: 878 (35.12% to goal)
Savings #3: 559 (27.95% to goal)

Roth IRA: 1,550 ($3450 more to meet goal of maxing out 2008 contribution)
401K: 1,129
Brokerage Account: 145
Employee Stock: 420

Credit Card: $0
Student Loan 15,222 (put an additional $100 towards my loan this paycheck... will have the updated number at the end of the month when I figure out how much went to interest and the how much went to the principle)

Well at least I have one more paycheck for July. Just have to stay positive and try not to get discouraged.

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