Home > CC freedom and midmonthly results

CC freedom and midmonthly results

June 17th, 2008 at 07:40 pm

I did it! I single handedly in one foul swoop wiped out all my Credit card debt. YES!!!
Well... I didn't want to think about my CCs anymore when I checked my balances this morning. I apparently spent way more than I thought I did while I was visiting in California. So I decided to just pay off all my cards. Now I can just focus on building back up my savings, saving more for retirement, and saving more for my enjoyments.

Unfortunately... my savings will probably take another hit at the end of the month when my Car insurance is due! That will be another $400. But I will cross that bridge at the end of the month. I should be alright because this past paycheck was weak because I only worked for a half a week... because I was on vacation. So money is tight this month. I'll make due.

But everything is okay because I have NO CREDIT CARD DEBT!!! YAY! Hopefully I can keep it like that!!! I'm taking them out of my wallet right now!!!

But anyways here is my mid-month results.

Savings #1: 11,220 (74.8% to goal)
Savings #2: 1,050 (42.0% to goal... 27% decrease from previous balance, yikes)
Savings #3: 504 (25.2% to goal...9.8% decrease from previous balance)

Roth IRA: 1,500
401K: 803
Brokerage Account: 100
Employee Stock: 420

Credit Card: $0
Student Loan 15,325
Car Insurance $400 at the end of the month

So... June has been a really slow month so far. However, I did get rid of my CC debt. Now I just need to get my savings back up and I need to start contributing to my IRA.

3 Responses to “CC freedom and midmonthly results”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Congrats on getting the cc paid off quick!

  2. cindyg86 Says:

    congratulations on getting that paid off! i bet it feels amazing!!! i'm about halfway to paying off my CC debt so this is definitely motivating Smile

  3. shiela Says:

    Well done on getting rid of that CC debt.

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